Posted in Written Blog

Am I doing it right? | First time Nanay | Still being Mae

Being a mom for the first time is one of those rare, blessed events that will forever change you—but just because it’s bound to be one of the greatest moments in your life doesn’t mean it’s going to be the easiest (or even come naturally).

As I became a mother, I realized that it is not for a fainted heart. Especially when you are in early 20’s, first time mom in the midst of a global pandemic where, medical attention is nearly inaccessible, no one is available as soon as possible since town over town are having their own restrictions or lockdowns and people, who you expect to be available are not advised to go near coz they may bring the virus. The bleak situation makes you feel you are on your own to take care of your well-being while taking responsibility to your newborn child.

I honestly do have an awesome and fruitful experience taking care a newborn to a toddler to a child, since I am the eldest child from the nine children of our family. In our culture, if you were the first born, you are obliged to take responsibility to take care of your siblings and learn household chores. I watched mother as we grow how she did everything (on her own) take note, no panicking episodes. So with that in mind, I promised to be like her when I became a mum to my own children.

The problem is, this is my first time to conceive, to give birth and to breastfeed, so I wish I could know the things before they happen at hand, I mean who doesn’t want any good for his/her child right? I eventually tried to explore the internet and each experience is so different as each child is so unique, that even a list that long wouldn’t cover it all.


I learned that I was pregnant way back October last year. It was not a happy “OMG! I’m a new-mum-to-be” moment of my life because I was clueless. I even overthinked I might have CoVid because I remember being very sick that time. I didn’t have a fever or body aches but I did have an LBM, upset stomach, blasting headache and retched out my guts every time I eat anything, even WATER! And that is EVERYDAY for one or two weeks. The whole process made me look like a living skeleton. I even cried while my husband’s at work thinking ‘this is it’, I’m gonna die because of dehydration. LOL.

My husband (who was my boyfriend, we’re not married yet) and I went to doctor, twice (we sought 2nd opinion coz I’m getting worse). Their diagnosis were “acid reflux”, they provided prescriptions which my husband refused to buy coz he has a suspicion that maybe I am pregnant. But if you were sick I’m sure you will not be sitting there enduring the whole pain, you’re willing to do and take any thing that would make you feel better. We tried organic medications, safe for pregnant women medicines, and took pregnancy test later on (which are all negative) and still I’m sick. There’s other thing that made the situation worse, I didn’t know how to count my menstruation period. I didn’t even know when was the last time I got a period. One thing is certain, I have a regular flow. That’s it but it doesn’t help at all.

One early morning, I asked my husband to get me cucumber. I want it yellow-green in color, peeled and it should be arranged to a plate accordingly with some salt on the side. That was my meal from morning till dawn. The next day, I craved for citrus nobilis (sinturis, dalanghita) with a salt on it. And there was the miracle, I did not vomit a single drop. That’s when we decided to take the third test for pregnancy before I admit myself to emergency room (just in case) and there you have it, positive.

2. Things May Not Go to Plan

This can be a pretty soul-crushing realization for new moms. I spend all this time preparing, but as soon as my little one arrives everything goes right out the window. For me, I have a tendency to be a little obsessive (read: borderline crazy. I don’t even sleep!). When my son was born, I equipped our room with his recommended weekly feeding and sleeping schedule—complete with clipboard and check boxes! Needless to say, we didn’t even make it through a single day. My son arrived and had his own ideas of what life would be like…for all of us.

That being said, feeling prepared helped me calm my nerves, so I keep doing what I’m doing. Sometimes, the wheels fall off the train (and they usually do), I just go easy on myself. I remember blaming myself three days after I gave birth (I was caesarean) that I will never have big family coz I did not take care of myself, which is bad and so distracting. Certainly, just because I plan for my delivery to go a certain way, doesn’t necessarily guarantee it will. I had one obstetrician share with me that more than 80% of deliveries do not align with the intended birth plan. I learned not to beat myself up. I love this little human so much and want to do everything perfect for him… with a reminder that just because things aren’t going to plan, doesn’t mean I’m not doing a good job.

3. Breastfeeding is Hard

You’re going to hear a lot about the importance of breastfeeding—and you maybe be surprised at how passionate some people can be. While I had always planned to breastfeed my son, I wasn’t one of those diehard advocates. If it didn’t work for us, we’d switch to formula. My plan was to breastfeed for six months, and, when possible, begin to pump and freeze enough so that he’d be on breast milk his first year. I was able to feed him for 50 days, I even invested a pump and foods that’ll help me produce more milk. There’s no problem with the milk supply, we had conflict on my inverted nipple and my son already gave up on it. LOL. After two and a half months, I was done and absolutely devastated—and the pump ended up buried in stock box. I don’t even remember where’d I put that.

No one knows your journey, so no one should be passing judgment. If breastfeeding isn’t the best option for your family, that’s totally okay. You can still be a wonderful parent and have a happy, healthy baby if you choose to formula feed. And if you do decide to breastfeed, that’s great too and a wonderful way to bond with baby, but go easy on yourself. It’s often a bumpy start and for some moms can take real work. In the end, just do what you feel is best—and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it.

There’s nothing quite as exhausting, or terrifying, as brand-new motherhood. Is your baby breathing right at night? Are they getting enough food? Will the circles under your eyes ever go away?

4. The Relationship will be Tested

For those of you fortunate enough to begin this journey with a dutiful partner by your side, it’s important to know that you may grow to temporarily dislike that person. Don’t freak out…it’s totally normal. My husband is the most supportive, compassionate partner I could have asked for, but I couldn’t help but hate him. I was at home all day with a small human attached to my boob and he had returned to work (with the ability to walk to play mobile games or to check Facebook in silence). I started to resent the freedom he had to return to his life. And when he was selfish enough to confront me because I’m too awful towards him, I actually threw a pillow at him.

The good news is that when your new life begins to find its rhythm, things between you and your partner will smooth out. Starting a family is the most extraordinary experience you could ever share with someone, so there are bound to be ups and downs. I remember watching my husband rock back and forth for three hours with our baby boy sleeping across his chest and thinking, “I’ve never loved him more.” Later that same week I told him I couldn’t stand him because there wasn’t a shawarma in the box he brought me. (I still think that was a huge oversight on his part.) 

5. Give Yourself Six Months (timeline i saw on the internet for you to get back in the game)

After your baby is born, do not expect to snap right back into your pre-pregnancy brain—or clothes! For most women, it takes about six months for your body and hormones to begin to normalize. We live in a culture where women are expected to wiggle into their skinny jeans before leaving the hospital, but that’s absurd. Certainly there are those rare few for whom the weight just falls off, but for 99.9% of us, it’ll take some time.

To be honest, the great weight struggle is just one of the many things new moms are going to experience. After you deliver, whether naturally or via C-section, you’re going to need time to recover. It’s mother nature’s biggest prank: just when you need rest and sleep the most, your baby will pretty much prevent you from getting either. For the first few weeks, your hormones do a complete nosedive. Just accept now that you’ll spend hours sobbing irrationally and be forced to wear Titanic-sized sanitary pads. The silver lining is that it’s all temporary. You’ll get back to being your old self soon enough.

6. Stop Comparing

Yourself. Your partner. Your baby. Stop.

Many roads lead to Rome, so don’t expect your journey to be identical to anyone else’s. If your little human isn’t crawling the exact week that Your Baby’s First Year Week by Week tells you he or she should be, it’s totally fine. There’s nothing wrong with your baby, and there’s nothing wrong with your parenting. Those guidelines are just that…guides. Don’t be shackled to them. And on that note, do not look over the fence into someone else’s yard. Just because your BFF’s husband is home every night for bath time, doesn’t mean your partner has dropped the ball. The grass isn’t always greener and no situation is perfect. Not even for Beyoncé.

Above all, the only thing I can tell a new parent with absolute certainty is… this too shall pass. In the beginning, everything is a phase or a stage, and those things that keep you up at night now will become second nature in time or no longer be an issue.

Posted in Written Blog

Get To Know Me | Random Questions

It’s not your job to like and love me… It’s MINE!

Byron Katie
A Get to Know Me tag is a blog post (or vlog post) where you can tell your readers some things they may not know about you. This is especially beneficial to new bloggers and those who’ve gained many new followers recently that may not know much about the author of the blog.

The added bonus of an About Me tag is that it’s an easy blog post topic for those days when you feel like you have nothing to write.

Disclaimer: I haven’t gained many new followers yet. LOL. I decided to do Getting to Know Me Tag coz I think it would be more easier since I’m still planning what I’ll share here. I even used a randomizer to put things together.Screenshot 2021-08-13 140721 I’m not a pro English speaking fella, so expect some glitches on grammar. Some questions might be answered in Tagalog. ALRIGHT then, let’s do this!


How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize? – When it comes to forgiving someone who refuses to apologise, I would rate the difficulty level as a 4 out of 10. While an apology can certainly help the forgiveness process, I believe that people can show their repentance in other ways as well. In fact, I often find it more difficult to forgive when someone is begging or constantly asking for my forgiveness. I don’t enjoy being in a situation wherein someone is saying ‘sorry’ to me in person, or the issue will just escalate to another misunderstanding. Not because I hate that much, but because I am not good with facial expression and tone of voice. Instead, I would prefer that the person admits the mistake (that’s it! it’s the real closure for me) and simply move on from our interaction and not talk badly about me behind my back. If they need to remain in my life, I hope they will do so without interfering with my present circumstances.

Unforgettable Experience  – I got involved in an accident occurred on 09.07.15 while I was walking on the side of the road and got hit by a drunk motorcycle driver (Mio). Fate seemed to have played a cruel trick on me because I was supposed to enroll as a criminology student at the University of Taguig the next day. I had worked hard to pass the admission exam and the assessment for Taguig City’s student assistance, hoping to pursue my desired course without any financial burden. However, the accident left me with a fractured bone, and I had to give up on my dream of becoming a criminologist. Instead, I studied education in Batangas and continued my studies with the help of crutches. It wasn’t easy, especially during PE, but I forgave the driver and decided not to pursue any legal action against him, as he mentioned that he had a child to support. Despite the setback, I’ve moved on, and I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

I actually learned how to ride a bike pretty late in life – just last year, in fact! At the time, I was already 23 years old. My husband was the one who taught me how to ride, and we practiced in the parking lot of our workplace. It was definitely a challenge at first, but with his patient guidance, I eventually got the hang of it.  But that was a long time ago, idk if I still know how the bikes work.

Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens? – 

While I have many friends who offer words of wisdom, I often turn to my sister Alessandrae, whom I affectionately call Edoy. Despite being younger than me, she possesses a remarkable ability to provide unbiased insights and consider the bigger picture in difficult situations. As we navigate the challenges of adulting, I value her perspective and appreciate having her as a sounding board when I’m not sure if I’m making the right choices.

What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?May ikinakasal na tikbalang.

What is your biggest regret? – I did not pursue my dream course

Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures? Why or why not?  – Not yet. Haha! I’m not ready to forget the mistakes I’ve made. I can’t shake off the feeling of being forgotten by myself. It’s a strange feeling, but I’m working on it. I’ll make up for lost time when the opportunity arises

Tell us small things about you that we wouldn’t know?  There are a few things.

  1. I don’t wear shorts or skirts in public.
  2. I’m not the type to frequently say “I love you”.
  3. I don’t like eating avocado, but I absolutely love chocolate!
  4. I tend to wear black a lot, as I’ve purposely avoided bright colors ever since my grandpa passed away.
  5. I find comfort in hugs and kisses and I’m easily pleased.
  6. I love it when someone leaves a note for me, even if it’s just a simple reminder.
  7. While I can seem serious at times, I’m actually a happy person.
  8. I dislike it when someone apologizes too much, but I genuinely care about others.
  9. I condemn stalking behavior because I’m not a fan of it and not a good one
  10. I’ve kissed several girls back in high school.
  11. I enjoy reading, although I try to limit my intake as I can be easily influenced by what I read.
  12. I’m not good at lying, but I’ll admit that I may tell a white lie every now and then.
  13. I avoid watching horror films now as they give me difficulty sleeping.
  14. Lastly, I hardly ever get angry, and if I do, I prefer not to speak or look someone in the eye until I’ve calmed down.
  15. I find it uncomfortable celebrating my birthday
  16. I love giving gifts

What is your biggest accomplishment? – Finally meeting the man I will be with for the rest of my life and having a Son.

What is the most difficult thing you’ve done for love? – I have to hurt some people.

Where do you buy your jeans? – In Ukay-Ukay, Divisoria or Baclaran.

What is one thing you wished people knew about you? – My intentions are not a reflection of my facial expression.

What is your idea of your dream date? – dates that involve water

Have you ever taken self-defense lessons? – Yes. I took a year of boxing and Muay Thai when I was with my previous company.

What does the last text message you received say? – 1/2 Having issues availing your favorite promos on *123#? No worries, it’s easier on the GigaLife App! Stay connected and reload anytime. For a Smarter way to Pay, use GigaPay! Open GigaLife and swipe right to activate GigaPay then link your PayMaya account or debit/credit card now!

Do you prefer kissing or cuddling? – Kissing/Munches. That makes me sleep.

If you were given a chance to say something to someone, what would it be? – TAKE CARE!

What is the first time you were allowed to put on make-up? – 3rd year college (malapit na ang OJT sa school)

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your fashion sense? – 2. HAHAHA! Maybe the reason some people would think I’m a joke is because of how I dress?

You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it? – Afficionado. F-35. I’m a huge fan of sweet candy scents.

Do you have any bad habits? – Since I’m in work-from-home set up, I don’t take a bath everyday. It should be every other day or every other other day.

Tell us a thing you’ve done to help someone else? – I’m not comfortable remembering and telling it to anyone. 🙂

What is your biggest fear? – To cause trauma to my kid/s

Your favorite quotes  – If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives. – Lemony Snicket