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Attack on Titan Episode 47: All a Slave to Somethin’

One of the most captivating aspects of Attack on Titan lies in its remarkable character development. The series portrays a wide array of individuals who each contribute to the story in their unique ways. While some characters, such as my personal favorite Jean, bring an undeniable charm and enjoyment to the narrative, others captivate us with their intricate motivations, as seen in the case of Reiner, or their pivotal roles within the complex tapestry of the plot, exemplified by Erwin. However, it is Kenny Ackerman who undergoes a truly unexpected and profound transformation, ultimately presenting one of the most authentic character arcs in the entire Attack on Titan series, leaving viewers thoroughly satisfied.

As Kenny’s life slips away, his struggle to survive stems not from a fear of death, despite acknowledging it. Instead, he persists for one final purpose. Being well acquainted with Levi, whom he unveils as his nephew, Kenny anticipates their meeting before his demise. His expectations are fulfilled.

In his parting moments, delivering what I consider to be one of the most profound anime quotes about life, Kenny imparts his newfound wisdom. He realizes that every individual is bound by servitude to something. While he mentions examples like alcohol and religion, the overarching conclusion remains unchanged. As previously described by Casey in an earlier article discussing the same manga scene, “As human beings, we inherently become slaves to various entities. It is ingrained in our nature to serve, whether it’s a divine entity, fellow humans, an idea, an object, an idol, nature, or even ourselves. We are destined to be enslaved by something.”

While Kenny’s heinous actions cannot be justified, it is undeniable that they stem from the discrimination and violence inflicted upon his people. His violent and self-centered nature naturally led him towards pursuing power, specifically the power held by Uri, the Founding Titan. However, in a surprising turn of events contradicting Kenny’s very essence, his final act revealed that, unbeknownst to him, his deep friendship with Uri and the kindness Uri extended towards him had actually redirected his allegiance. Instead of seeking to prolong his own life, Kenny made the selfless choice to bestow that power upon Levi, his beloved “adopted son,” effectively granting him the gift of life. In this unexpected twist, Kenny had become a slave to an entirely different cause.

“A king with so much power bowed down to someone as lowly as me. That titan left me speechless… More importantly, I felt something in me waver at that moment.”

In a stunning turn of events, Kenny, once regarded as the epitome of depravity, experienced a remarkable transformation as his life drew to a close, ultimately finding redemption.

How I see this chapter relevant in real life situations

As human beings, our innate inclination is to serve and be devoted to something or someone. Whether it is God, other individuals, an idea, an object, an idol, nature, or even ourselves, we are bound to become slaves to a certain cause. The Bible acknowledges that all humans are inherently slaves to sin (Romans 6:20), but it also presents an opportunity for us to choose to serve God as our ultimate Master instead (1 Corinthians 7:22). However, this choice of allegiance requires careful discernment and selectivity. Matthew 6:24 encapsulates this notion effectively:

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

God desires our complete devotion, not lukewarm or half-hearted loyalties. Jesus bestowed upon his disciples a profound task, a sacred mission, to spread the Gospel to the farthest corners of the world (Acts 1:8). As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the responsibility of embodying His essence here on earth to such an extent that those around us can tangibly witness the love, peace, and divine radiance of God shining through our lives.


Hello there! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. I am a proud Batangueña who grew up in the province. After graduating with a degree in BSEd major in English, I moved to NCR to work as a Call Center agent, but I soon discovered my true passion lies in law enforcement. However, fate had other plans for me, and I met my wonderful husband at work, and we now have an amazing child together. While I'm not a perfectionist, I am always open to constructive criticism. I have a bit of a procrastination problem, but I find that I'm most productive late at night, and there's nothing better than enjoying a slice of chocolate pizza in the comfort of my own home. I prefer cozy and affordable restaurants to fancy ones, and I enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes. I love spending time at the beach, especially during sunset when it's peaceful and quiet. Family time is important to me, and I'm happiest when I'm cooking for my loved ones. Through my blog, I hope to inspire my readers to pursue their passions, embrace their imperfections, and find joy in life's simple pleasures. It's a personal and lighthearted blog that I write mainly for myself and my family, but I'm happy to have you along for the ride!

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